Digital Program - Shani Argerich

Foundation Estate of Arthur Sellner Ruth and Carl J. Shapiro Mr. andMrs. Herbert J. Siegel The Skirball Foundation Mia and Sheldon Solow Shelley and Ben Sosewitz Dr. Evelyn G. Lipper & Dr. William T. Speck Dr. Axel Stawski Howard I. Stein, in memory of Janet H. Stein In memory of Marie A.P. Steinert Estate of Evelyn Uhr Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky GeorgeWasserman Family Foundation Theodore and Renee Weiler The David and SylviaWeisz Foundation Roma andRaymondWittcoff Morty and GloriaWolosoff Foundation FOUNDERS ($25,000-$49,999) Ahavath Achim Synagogue AHBA, Inc. Mr. andMrs. Barry Berkett H. Robert Cohen Mrs. Lester Crystal Joe and Hellen Darrion Foundation Mitzi andWarren Eisenberg Ruth and Heinz Eppler Jeffrey E. Epstein Marjorie andMichael J. Fasman Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation Janice Feldman Eugene and Estelle Ferkauf Foundation Anna and Tommy Finkelstein Ms. Laura Flug Forest City Enterprises Charitable Foundation Mr. andMrs. Michael L. Friedman Friend Mr. Cary J. Frieze Mr. andMrs. Horacio Furman Mrs. Oscar Getz Mr. andMrs. Norman Gold Ilene and Stanley P. Gold The Goldhirsh Foundation Mr. andMrs. Jona Goldrich Karla andWalter M. Goldschmidt HoraceW. Goldsmith Foundation Mr. andMrs. Elliott Goldstein Mrs. George Goldstein The Gonda Family Foundation Barbara and E. Robert Goodkind Madaline and Stephen R. Gordon Mickey and Allan Greenblatt Mr. andMrs. Allen Grossman Estate of George Grossman Mr. Vladimir Gusinski Mrs. Mickey Haines Mrs. MiriamHamburger Verna Harrah Mr. andMrs. Mervin J. Hartman Mrs. Sylvia Hassenfeld Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Helen andMelvin S. Heller David Hochberg Fred P. Hochberg Dr. Louise Horvitz Michelle and JosephM. Jacobs Mr. andMrs. Jeffrey Justin Fritz and Adelaide Kaufmann Foundation Sylvia and Danny Kaye Avril and Hersch Klaff Mrs. Jack Klugman Mr. andMrs. Philip Klutznick Thomas J. Klutznick Mr. andMrs. Murray Koffler Amanda and Steven Kofsky Dorothy and Sidney Kohl Mr. andMrs. Theodore Krengel Mr. andMrs. Ted Krumland Dr. andMrs. Ira Kukin Mrs. Alan Landis Mrs. William S. Lasdon Mildred and Herbert C. Lee Mr. andMrs. Miles Lerman William S. and Ina Levine Foundation Mr. andMrs. Daniel R. Lewis Mr. andMrs. Moses Libitzky Mrs. Arthur Liman Frayda and George L. Lindemann Judi and Jay Linden The Harold I and Faye B. Liss Foundation Renee Logan Mrs. Sam Lopin The Joe and Emily Lowe Foundation William J. and Fern E. Lowenberg Dorothy and E. Phillip Lyon Ginny Mancini The Lester andGrace Maslow Foundation Mr. andMrs. Peter May Midori Foundations of the Milken Family Richard and Rose Miller Edward D. and Anna Mitchell Family Foundation Mrs. JosephMitchell Henry and Lucy Moses Fund Mr. andMrs. Charles B. Moss, Jr. Mr. andMrs. Jack Nash JoAnn and Stuart Nathan Mrs. Louis Nathanson NEA Enterprises LLC Carol andMelvin Newman Paula Sarnoff Oreck Mr. andMrs. Bernard Osher Mr. andMrs. Sassoon Peress Ms. Sharone Perlstein Mr. andMrs. Milton Petrie Adele Morse Platt and Conrad Platt Harold Pollin Ridgefield Foundation Righteous Persons Foundation Mr. andMrs. Joseph Rose Mr. andMrs. Philip Rosenthal Lizanne and Barry Rosenstein TheWilliam Rosevwald Family Fund Susan and Daniel E. Rothenberg Dr. andMrs. Arthur Sackler Mr. andMrs. Alan P. Safir Mr. andMrs. Maxwell Salter Drew Schaefer Sondra and Samuel Schaeffler Barbara C. Schatten Cheryl and David Scheidemantle S.H. Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation Seed the Dream Foundation Adele and Gil Shaham Nathan Shapell Mr. andMrs. Henry Shapiro Mr. andMrs. Ralph Shapiro Ronnie Shapiro and Norman Chanes Gil Shiva, in memory of Susan Stein Shiva Lydia Shorenstein The Harvey and Lillian Silbert Foundation Mr. andMrs. Herbert J. Siegel The Spiegel Family and the Columbia Charitable Foundation Alan B. Slifka Foundation The Gunther & Blossom Sprecher Legacy Trust Steinway & Sons Mr. andMrs. LeonardN. Stern Barbara and Bernard Stollman Mr. andMrs. JeromeH. Stone Mr. andMrs. Roger Stone Mr. andMrs. Daniel Strickberger Mr. andMrs. Harry Strygler Estate of Gershon Swet JoanandPrestonRobert Tisch Erving Trunk Mina J. Tulchinsky Marjorie and Harold Victor Mrs. Lew R. Wasserman Jane and JerryWeintraub Edna andMickeyWeiss Marilyn andMarvin Weissglass Family Foundation Mr. andMrs. JackWexler MiriamWosk Diane and Howard Zack Mr. andMrs. Aaron Ziegelman The Helgard FieldLion Fund for Guest Artists The Bronislaw Huberman Society The BronislawHuberman Society, named after the Polish-born violinist who founded the IPO in 1936, was formed to honor those patrons who have included the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in their estate plans. Make great music your legacy. Join the Bronislaw Huberman Society to ensure the long-term financial security of our Orchestra by providing for the IPO in your estate plan. Upon notification of your estate plans to your local Friends office, we will add you to this legacy society. Anonymous (2) Susann and Byron Annis *Lillian Bogeinsky *Melvin J. and *Florence Cohen Fund Felice and Richard Cutler Stuart M. Fischman *Eugenie Fromer Manfried Glucksmann Ruth and *Charles Gold *Jacob Goldman Dorothy Goldstein George Grossman *Perry Haber Mickey Haines Harriet andMerv Hartman Sigmund S. Hartz *Joan Holland and Eli Glassman *Gloria L. Johnston Natalie Katz Chaim Katzman *Sidney Kessler *Julius Kopit *Frances H. Krinovitz *Andrew Krisel *ShirleyW. Leibowitz *Yvonne Levy Janice and *Saul Linzer *Hannah P. Mallin *Rebecca and *Arthur Marshall Julia and *Kurt Nassau *Seth Palmer *Hannah and *Randy Polansky Estate of Rita Pollet *Rose Prager PSN Family Charitable Trust Arthur Rath *Betty Reitman Melba Rice *Sofia Richards Joan and Jack Saltz *Arthur Sellner *Isabella and *Harry Shub Stanley P. Strauss *Gershon Swet *Evelyn Uhr *Ruth Unger HelgaWall-Apelt *PhilipWernick MiriamWosk Family Trust May and Richard Ziman *Ruth Ziegler *Deceased AFIPOBoard of Directors ZubinMehta♦ Itzhak Perlman, Pinchas Zukerman & Lahav Shani♦ Honorary Co-Chairmen James C. Ackerman President Tricia Pantzer♦ Chairman of the Executive Committee Jane Stern Lebell♦ Claudio Pincus♦ Eta Somekh♦ Vice Presidents Stacey Bronfman♦ Secretary Emanuel Ax Yefim Bronfman Helgard Field-Lion♦ Irwin Field♦ Sharon Gabriel Myron Glucksman♦ Stephen H. Gordon Benjamin Hildner David A. Hirsch♦ Chaim Katzman Heidi Learner♦ Polly Levine Theodore Mirvis Hadar Shemtov AbrahamD. Sofaer Lynn Syms♦ Abigail Tananbaum Mina Tulchinsky Noemi Brief Zafrany ♦Executive Committee Stewart Colton Sara Fabrikant JoanW. Harris Toby Perlman Judith B. Resnick Pamela Sandler Lauren Veronis MargoWinkler Marilyn Ziering Richard Ziman Directors Emeriti Fredric R. Mann (19801987)* NormanBernstein(19871988)* Albert Schussler (19881995)* HermanS.Sandler(19952001)* Lynn Syms (2002-2006) ElaineWolfensohn(20062010)* David A. Hirsch (2010-2019) Helgard Field Lion & Irwin S. Field (2019-2021) Presidents Emeriti Norton Rose Fulbright by Philip J. Michaels Legal Counsel * In memoriam Canadian Friends of the IPO Board of Directors Richard Charney (Interim President) Sue Carol Isaacson Stanley H. Hartt (20132018)* President Emeritus Norton Rose Fulbright Canada Legal Counsel