Cavaleria Rusticana Digital Program

Don Lollò commissions a large jar to store the expected amount of oil. However – a large piece of the jar had broken off. The villagers tells Don Lollò about Uncle Dima – a twisted old man who discovered a special glue with which he can fix the Jar. Uncle Dima starts working, enters into the jar and fixes it, but Alas! The Jar's neck is too small for him to get out. Angry Don Lollò does not allow to let Uncle Dima free before being paid. The orchestral suite consists of music from the beginning and the end of the ballet. It opens with a delicate prelude and folds into an eccentric dance. In the suite's second half, uncle Dima is already inside the jar. From distance we can hear "The story about the girl who was kidnapped by pirates" – a folk Sicilian song, which Casella borrowed from an anthology published a few years earlier. Nela, Don Lollò's daughter, dances around the jar and invites the neighbors to join her. The drunk Farmers' dance becomes wilder and wilder until Don Lollò arrives. With a big push he sends the jar tumbling down the hillside and it breaks. Uncle Dima is free now and celebrates with the farmers. Oded Shnei-Dor La storia della fanciulla rapita dai pirati 'Nta villi e valli e 'nta voscura funni Unn'è l'amanti mia? Di cca' mi spriu! La vaju pi circari e 'un trovu d'unni! Pi lu so amuri lu mannu firriu: Vaiu a lu mari e ci addumannu a l'unni: Fossi passau di cca l'amuri miu? E l'ecu di luntanu m'arispunnì Ca schiava di li Turchi si 'npiju. Co mu 'ngagghiasti? Un sentisti lu bannu? Un ite o mare, li Turchi ci sunnu! The story about the girl who was kidnapped by pirates O'er hills and vales, in darkness and in light Where has my beloved gone? I search and search and find her not. I search the whole wide world Down at the sea-shore I ask the waves: Has my beloved passed by here? The echo answers me from afar: She was captured by Turkish pirates. Why didn't you heed my warning? Avoid the sea or the pirates will kidnap you! Translation: Israel Ouval