Home>musical story time>The Tortoise’s Present

The Tortoise’s Present

Musical Story Time

23/02 Sun 16:30 Tel Aviv


16:30 | Sun
Tel Aviv approx 40 minutes, no intermission

Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Tel AvivFoyer

approx 40 minutes, no intermission

50 nis

50 nis

approx 40 minutes, no intermission

23/02 Sun 17:45 Tel Aviv


17:45 | Sun
Tel Aviv approx 40 minutes, no intermission

Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Tel AvivFoyer

approx 40 minutes, no intermission

50 nis

50 nis

approx 40 minutes, no intermission

storytime is intended for ages 3-6

After the book by Sigal Adler

The lion roared but the little tortoise wasn’t worried, since he knew that he had brought the king of animals an amazing gift and also taught him that patience pays off. With actor Gabriel Hadar and a string trio.


Gabriel Hadar

Gabriel Hadar


Dedicate A Chair
Eleonora Lutsky
Eleonora Lutsky 750X1000

Eleonora Lutsky


Dedicate A Chair
Iakov Kashin
צילום: מירי דוידוביץ’

Iakov Kashin


Dedicate A Chair
Kirill Sobolev

Kirill Sobolev

bass player

Dedicate A Chair

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