Home>Concert>Hans Christian Andersen in Haifa

Hans Christian Andersen in Haifa

The IPO for Kids

25/05 Sun 17:30 Haifa


17:30 | Sun
Haifa approx 60 minutes, no intermission

Baruch and Ruth Rappaport Center for Art and Culture, HaifaRapaport hall

approx 60 minutes, no intermission

85 nis

85 nis

approx 60 minutes, no intermission


The creative uncle Hans, together with his niece Alma, embark on a journey into the world of fables, where they will meet well-known characters and classical works, through which Alma will discover her inner beauty. In cooperation with the National Theater for Children and Youth.


Vladislav Krasnov
צילום: מירי דוידוביץ’

Vladislav Krasnov


Dedicate A Chair
Haran Meltzer
צילום: מירי דוידוביץ’

Haran Meltzer


Dedicate A Chair
Boaz Meirovitch
Boaz Meirovitch 750X1000

Boaz Meirovitch


Dedicate A Chair
Yigal Meltzer
צילום: מירי דוידוביץ’

Yigal Meltzer


Dedicate A Chair
Rafael Skorka
Aladin_1000X750 copy

Rafael Skorka


Dedicate A Chair

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